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The home of the adventure book series Beneath the Jungle of Cozumel

The first book in the new adventure series – Beneath the Jungle of Cozumel – was finally released on November 12, 2024! It immediately took the NUMBER ONE spot in multiple categories and is a TOP NEW RELEASE in two Amazon categories! HAVE YOU ORDERED YOUR COPY YET? Get it now and learn about Rob Neto’s adventures as he and his team explored miles upon miles of cave passages beneath the jungle of Cozumel. It even includes the first and only published map of Dos Coronas.
Most people don’t realize there are cave passage beneath the jungle of Cozumel. Cave diving is not easy on the island. The logistics of getting tanks to use during the dives are difficult. Many of the cenotes require long hikes through small jungle paths carrying a couple of hundred pounds of equipment.
Rob visited Cozumel for the first time in 2011 on an expedition trip with several other cave divers. While most people go to Cozumel for the reef dives, the only reefs he saw were on the way to and back from some of the sea cave entrances. The caves of Cozumel were different than any other caves Rob had ever seen, including the caves located on the mainland of Mexico.
Rob has been diving the caves of Cozumel since that first trip with trips 2-4 times per year. During that time he connected the Dos Coronas cave to Cueva Quebrada, increasing the length by more than 8000 feet/2400 meters. The first book in the series – Connecting the Crowns – tells the story of Rob’s first visit to learning about a possible connection to finally connecting the caves. Not everything was all fun and games. There were hard times and hard dives. Order Rob’s book, Beneath the Jungle of Cozumel – Connecting the Crowns, now!
Rob also discovered a previously unknown section of Cueva Quebrada bringing the total lined passage in that system from 29,000 feet/8800 meters to more than 85,000 feet/26000 meters. Cueva Quebrada now falls in the top 10 longest underwater caves in Mexico! The new section alone is has more lined passage than the original map shows on it! Rob also discovered other systems that were previously never explored. He continues to explore those systems and expanding them. The story of the discovery and exploration of this section will be available in 2025 in the second book in the series, Beneath the Jungle of Cozumel – Hidden Passages.
Rob also increased the known length of Aerolito from 20,000 feet/6100 meters to more than 25,000 feet/7600 meters and he is still exploring it. The story of his exploration in Aerolito will be available at the end of 2025 in the third book in the series, Beneath the Jungle of Cozumel – Shooting Stars.
If you are planning a trip to Cozumel and would like to dive Aerolito contact COZUMEL ABYSS DIVERS. Even if you’re not cave trained and certified, you can still do a cenote dive in the large cavern zone of this cave.In fact, we recommend Cozumel Abyss Divers for all of your diving needs in Cozumel!
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